3) Healthcare

- Ron Paul is a physician who has delivered over 4000 babies!
- All of us here in America want to be healthy.  We care for our health and the wellness of those we care for.
- The issue is complex, and BOTH parties seem to fail in lowering costs and increasing access to care.
- Healthcare is usually divided by 2 sides.  One side wants the government to take control and make it a right.  The other side wants free markets to handle healthcare.
- Paul believes in the free market. The problem is the U.S. has not had free markets for at least 100 years. Instead we have Corporatism (learn more here: corporatism).
- When you understand that CORPORATISM has played a role in destroying healthcare, you then see how TRUE free markets would actually be the best solution.
- Government has already proven its failures in healthcare with the increasingly bankrupt Medicare and Medicaid. Why would universal healthcare be any different?
- This video explains further Ron's position on healthcare: