1) The Economy

- Ron Paul predicted the current recession YEARS before it happened
- Politicians from BOTH parties ignored him and continued the same government policies that brought the country into this mess. 
- How could Paul predict it?  
- He understands the difference between TRUE free markets (which the U.S. has not had for at least the past 100 years) and what we actually have today, which is corporatism.
- Corporatism is when BIG government and BIG corporations work together behind the scenes, setting policies and behaving in ways that harm us -- the people.
- Paul has been deeply studying economics, and in the video below, news anchors praise him for predicting the recession YEARS in advance: 

Secret U.S. Bank Destroys Your Dollar!

- Did you know that the U.S. dollar has lost over 90% of its purchasing power since 1913?  (think of a can of Coke costing 25 cents years ago).
- HOW? Part of it has to do with inflation. What has been a leading cause of inflation?  The Federal Reserve System.
- The Federal Reserve System is actually a PRIVATE entity, even though they stamped the word "Federal" in front of it.
- Their stated purpose is to prevent economic hardships, though the Great Depression and recent Housing Bubble/recession only proves their failures.
- Instead, the private "Federal" reserve System has access to the OUR -- the public's -- money supply, and they print OUR money at will.
- Think about that: a PRIVATE institution, with no oversight from the government or people, printing OUR money at will and doing with it as they please.
- Ron Paul has been talking about this secretive institution for at least 30 years, and in the video below he helps explain the destructive nature of the Federal Reserve:

Ron Paul's Solution?

- With Republicans AND Democrats playing the same old political games, it might seem IMPOSSIBLE at times to find the answers to our economic problems. 
- The truth is that MOST politicians have no grasp on the subject of economics, but Ron Paul has been studying it for at least 30 years.
- One of the most important realizations to have is that in the U.S. today, we do not have TRUE free markets/capitalism.
- Instead, we have Corporatism, which is when BIG government and BIG business work behind the scenes, often times doing much more harm than good.
- The problem with our economy is quite complex, though it is refreshing to hear an expert on economics like Paul offer rational solutions that few others are speaking of:

More Quick Facts on Paul and the Economy

- Ron Paul wants to restore TRUE free markets and end the corporate welfare system that has completely bought out the government that is supposed to be looking out 
  for us. 
- Refusing to further raise the debt ceiling so politicians can no longer spend recklessly.
- Fighting to fully audit (and then end) the Federal Reserve System, which has enabled the over 95% reduction of what our dollar can buy and continues to create money out of thin air to finance future debt.
- Ending the corporate stranglehold on the White House, Eliminating the income, capital gains, and death taxes to ensure you keep more of your hard-earned money and are able to pass on your legacy to your family without government interference.