Paul's Predictions

- Ron Paul is often praised for his ability to predict some of the worst outcomes this country has ever faced. 
- With precision, intellect, and a deep-rooted passion, Paul has been on record for YEARS in writing and in video warning about:
      - economic troubles
      - the consequences of endless wars
      - and the continuous bickering between both parties (Republican and Democrat). 
- Since 2001, Paul was warning other political leaders and individuals about the economic recession that we are now facing.  In the video below, you will see various video clips of Paul clearly warning people about the problems we're facing today -- YEARS IN ADVANCE!

Paul Warned, They Ignored, We Suffered

And so here we are today, suffering greatly from the things that Paul so passionately warned us about YEARS ago.  Despite the hardships we currently face, it truly is inspiring to continue to hear Ron's voice speak out on behalf of We The People.  When you predict such hardships and are consistent with your views for 30 years, it become hard to doubt Ron Paul's sincerity, intellect, and dedication to the betterment of the country.