2) The Wars / National Defense

- Ron Paul gets more donations from active military troops than ALL OTHER CANDIDATES COMBINED! Including Obama.  More info: Troops Support
- He wants to end all the wars, and bring the troops home from the over 100 countries they're situated in. 
- Safety is a priority for all of us here in America. 
- However, the way in which we go about ensuring our safety and security is often full of controversy and debate between BOTH parties who have no solutions.
- Ron Paul's position is based on a deep grasp of history, cause and effect, and an awareness of all factors involved, which makes his view very rational and informed.
- Paul's premise is this: huge bodies of research show that a LEADING cause of terrorism is a REACTION to the U.S.'s foreign policy that we've had for many decades.
- Since at least the 1950's, America's manipulation of other countries has angered foreigners, and their logical reaction to our meddling has been violent retaliation.
-Does that make terrorist attacks justified? Of course not, but if the U.S. wants to tamper into the affairs of other nations, then we have to be willing to endure their violent retaliations.  The video below reveals Paul's views on the wars and national defense:

Paul's Views on the Wars:

1) Wants to bring all the troops home IMMEDIATELY (and has a voting record to prove he's honest about this).
2) Although horrible things happen in other countries, there is only so much the U.S. can do for others before it MUST consider its own well-being FIRST (economic hardships is one reason we can no longer afford to police the world).
3) Paul wants to trade, talk, and negotiate with the world -- NOT bomb, manipulate, and install dictators throughout the world, as we've done for quite some time.
4) Paul is often criticized as being an "isolationist", meaning that he wants to have nothing to do with the rest of the world.  This, of course, is political spin by Republicans and Democrats who don't want to stop policing the world and funding our numerous wars.  In reality, Paul is a "non-interventionist", which basically means he wants to trade, talk, and negotiate with other countries.  Paul's approach is what can truly create lasting relations and progress for the entire world, making him the complete OPPOSITE of an "isolationist".  This video below reveals more about Paul's views: