4) Immigration

- The United States of America was founded by immigrants, so there's no denying that immigration today is an important issue. 
- This issue is one about America's sustainability: Can the U.S. continue to support the millions of illegal immigrants while still making sure that its economy does not falter?- It is not a simple question, and luckily Ron Paul is not a simple man: his complex understanding of immigration, along with the defining principles of consistency that have given him an unmatched reputation in a world of flip-flopping politicians, is enough to gain the insight necessary to understand and solve this issue.  Here's a video on Paul's views on the immigration issue:

Ron Paul: As Sympathetic as We can Afford to Be

- There is no denying the plights that many immigrants endure in other countries, which is a large part of why they flock to the United States. 
- However, if the U.S. is not careful to ensure its own economic stability, while respecting its rule of law, then immigrants flocking here will just find an unstable country.
- Ron Paul uses compassion AND rationality with the immigration issue: he understands the importance and benefits of immigration.
- BUT, he also realizes that excessive and poor federal government policies have a tendency to undermine immigration and create even more problems. 

Ron Paul: We Ignore Our Borders, Yet Defend those in the Middle East

One of the strangest truths regarding the United States today is that we spend more time, resources, and money defending and maintaining the borders in another country than we do on our won.  Ron Paul wants to bring the troops home from ALL of our current wars, and use them to assist in enforcing border security here. 

More on Ron Paul's Stance:

1) Enforce Border Security – America should be guarding her own borders and
enforcing her own laws instead of policing the world and implementing UN
2) No Amnesty - The Obama Administration’s endorsement of so-called
“Comprehensive Immigration Reform,” granting amnesty to millions of illegal
immigrants, will only encourage more law-breaking.

3) Abolish the Welfare State
– Taxpayers cannot continue to pay the high costs to
sustain this powerful incentive for illegal immigration.  As Milton Friedman
famously said, you can’t have open borders and a welfare state.

4) End Birthright Citizenship – As long as illegal immigrants know their children
born here will be granted U.S. citizenship, we’ll never be able to control our
immigration problem.

5) Protect Lawful Immigrants – As President, Ron Paul will encourage legal
immigration by streamlining the entry process without rewarding lawbreakers.